PhD Student



University of Toronto

Department of Linguistics

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About Me

I am a linguist interested in adult second language acquisition ​as well as the application of syntactic and morphological theory ​in the field of language acquisition.

More specifically, I am interested in the acquisition of the ​syntactic and morphological structures of verbs in languages ​with aggluntinative morphology (e.g., Korean, Japanese, etc.). I ​am also interested in the intermediate stages of acquisition and ​the process by which learners transition from being an ​intermediate language user to a proficient and advanced ​language user.

My current research is focused on the acquisition of specialized ​uses of certain nominal morphology in Korean by adult ​intermediate learners.

I have done research on dative subjects and causativization in ​Georgian (MA), and the syntactic structure of the -ese ​construction in Korean.

In addition to being a linguist, I am also an avid language learner. ​I know Japanese and Mandarin Chinese, and I am currently ​studying Korean and Cantonese.


Conference Talks

MacDonald, R. A. (2024, Jun. 19). The Syntax of the Korean -ese construction ​[Conference session]. Canadian Linguistics Association (CLA 2024), Carleton University, ​Ottawa, ON, Canada.

MacDonald, R. A. (2024, Mar. 02). The Syntax of the Korean -ese construction ​[Conference session]. Western Interdisciplinary Student Symposium on Language ​Research (WISSLR 2024), Western University, London, ON, Canada.

MacDonald, R. A. (2023, Jun. 23). The Syntax of the Korean converb -ese [Conference ​session]. University of Toronto Graduate Language Research Day 2023 (LRD 2023), ​University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

MacDonald, R. A. (2022, Nov. 19). Dative subjects in Georgian [Conference session]. ​Morphology in Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto (MoMOT 2022), Université du Québec à ​Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada.

MacDonald, R. A. (2022, Oct. 28). Dative subjects in Georgian [Conference session]. 14th ​Linguistics Graduate Course Union (LGCU) Welcome Workshop, University of Toronto, ​Toronto, ON, Canada.

Conference Posters

Kush, D., Blumenthal, M., Williams, W., and MacDonald, R. (2022, Sept. 8). Cataphor antecedent search is insensitive to cues to discourse status [Poster session] Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2022), University of York, York, United Kingdom.

MacDonald, R. (2020, Mar. 7). Onset and coda repair in phonetic loanwords from English into Mandarin Chinese [Poster session]. Toronto Undergraduate Linguistics Conference 2020 (TULCON 13), University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.


In Progress



Academic Background

PhD, Linguistics

University of Toronto

MA, Linguistics

University of Toronto

Thesis: “Dative Subjects in Georgian

Advisor: Susana Béjar

Honours BA, Linguistics Specialist

University of Toronto

3.98 GPA

St. Michael’s College Gold Medal (Arts) Recipient

Language Citation in Chinese


Research Experience

Primary Investigator

Project: “Adult L2 acquisition of Korean morphology

Faculty Supervisor: Emily Atkinson



Research Assistant

Supervisor: Dave Kush

Supervisor: Susana Béjar

Teaching Experience






Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure & Meaning

Topic: Introductory Syntax, Morphology, Semantics, & Psycholinguistics

University of Toronto - St. George

TA: 2022 (Winter), 2023 (Winter), 2024 (Winter), 2024 (Summer)

Syntactic Patterns in Language

Topic: Syntax, Morphology

University of Toronto - St. George

TA: 2023 (Fall)

Introduction to Linguistics

Topic: Introductory Linguistics (Phonology, Syntax, etc.)

University of Toronto - Scarborough

TA: 2023 (Summer)

Introduction to Language

Topic: Introductory Linguistics for Non-Majors

University of Toronto - St. George

TA: 2023 (Winter) , 2022 (Summer)

English Words

Topic: Introductory Linguistics for Non-Majors

University of Toronto - St. George

TA: 2021 (Fall)

2022 - 24






2021 - 2022

Academic Service


LGCU - Linguistics Graduate Course Union

University of Toronto

Terms: 2022-2023, 2023-2024

LGCU Newsletter Committee Member - Design

LGCU - Linguistics Graduate Course Union

University of Toronto

U of T Language Research Day Conference Organizing Committee Member

Department of Speech Language Pathology & Department of Linguistics

University of Toronto

MoMOT Conference Organizing Committee Member

Department of Linguistics

University of Toronto

LGCU Committee Review Committee Lead

LGCU - Linguistics Graduate Course Union

University of Toronto


TWPL - Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics

University of Toronto


LGCU - Linguistics Graduate Course Union

University of Toronto


PCIbex (Penn Controller for Internet Based Experiments)

R (Programming Language - Statistics & Data Visualization)


English (Native)

Japanese (Upper-Intermediate - Reading: Advanced, Speaking: Intermediate)

Mandarin (Upper-Intermediate - Reading: Advanced, Speaking: Intermediate)

Korean (Lower-Intermediate - Reading: Intermediate, Speaking: Elementary)

Cantonese (Lower-Intermediate - Reading: Intermediate, Speaking: Elementary)